Monday, May 07, 2007

What should we be talking about?

I finally got around to watching "Bobby" this past weekend, the movie based upon Bobby Kennedy's last day alive during the Democratic Primary's in 1968. A well made film, and worth a look see.

The film shows actual clips of some of Bobby's speeches, or photo op talks he is giving in downstrodden communities.

He portray's an image of hope, and describes a future state of where this country should be, without detailing exactly what sacrifices we have to make. He basically challenges the nation to figure out a way.

What a difference from today. We have to learn to work together. At the same time I feel almost compelled to punch these attack dog Conservative loyalists, who are blind to any sense of reality, square in the nose.

Note to self. Take a deep breath, and sing 100 bottles of beer on the wall....


At 4:18 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Thought you might find this interesting -


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