Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Latest Letter

We had a hard head crowing about recent election results in Placer County. The fact is Doolittle got maybe 50% of the vote (tops). The Democratic and Libertarian candidates combined garnered more votes than Doolittle. Twice this hardhead has written invective laced letters to the Editor basically telling all Liberals or Lefties to get the hell out of his County, Placer County.

Here is my response (submitted today to the Editor).

Honestly my initial reaction to his note (name deleted) was to repeat in kind with a very un-Christian like response. Instead I have chosen to take the high road. I will reply with a couple of honest, direct responses though.

Ed (oops there it is, only his first name though), we're not going anywhere. Looking at the recent election results, basically showed us that half the county wanted a change in leadership and representation in Congress. Accusing your liberal
neighbors of lying, distorting the facts, etc, is not going to get us together to solve our nations problems. The real fact is most people are moderates, middle of the road kind of people.

Zealots don't like moderates. Well that's too bad, because that's where the majority of the populace sits.

You're just going to have to work with us.

In the meantime, us moderates will still fight to defend your Constitutional rights. We will still fight to ensure we have an effective balance of power between the three branches of government. We will fight to have strong borders, but fight against bonehead, fiscally ridiculous ideas like building a fence.

The strength of our nation is in our diversity. We are a melting pot of many cultures, religions and races. Our nation was founded on principles of freedom and equality. Infighting, and name calling gets us no where.

Our nation is in trouble because we've taken our eye off the ball. National security is fine and dandy but our leaders are bleeding our National Treasury dry,
while lining the pocket books of the super rich and powerful . We have to have a strong economy, and we cannot continue to ship jobs offshore.

We're here to stay, get used to it.


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Keep fighting the good fight. I am impressed and inspired by your tenacity.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

just don't know any better, and won't take no for an answer.


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