Quack, Quack
If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck, and quacks like a Duck it's a Duck.
Attorneygate. It's about Politics, stupid. Duh.
There is documented evidence that the terminated U.S. attorney's were criticized by the either the Attorney General's office, or the White House staff for not pursuing Voter fraud cases, or Political corruption cases (against Democrat's), or Illegal immigration cases in a number of states including Washington, California, and New Mexico. These attorney's have investigated these cases, along with the FBI, and found there was no evidence of wrongdoing, or that there was not enough evidence to pursue charges. Why would they be criticized for following the Law?
Why? Because if they were being good "Bushies", they would have publicly announced these investigations to hurt the Democrat cause, and help Republican elections.
Morality, doing the right thing, following the Law has NOTHING to do with it, it is all about power, and remaining in power, no matter what.
What sickens me, is there is a mountain of evidence of rape, and sex with multiple minors in the Texas Youth Authority documented by a Texas Ranger in 2005, as reported in the Washington Post, New York Times, and multiple Texas newspapers, and yet, the U.S.attorney in Texas did not pursue a slam dunk case to file charges. Instead they used their resources for Voter fraud cases against a handful of elderly Democrat's. Could it be because it would have hurt the re-election bids of Republican leadership in Texas during last Fall's critical elections?
You decide.
It must be maddening to be bombarded with such stupidity on a constant basis.
Sadly, yes.
You just try to reach those, that you believe will listen, and try to draw attention to the lies, and the truth that is out there.
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