Friday, February 23, 2007

Photo Op Leadership

Our Veep, Dick Cheney, on an interview with ABC News, basically accused the Dem's (Pelosi/Murtha) of pursuing a strategy that validates the al Quaida strategy (breaking the will of the America people). Bush, Cheney, and the chickenhawk crowd on the otherhand have been living a strategy since 2003 that has fueled the WW al Quaeda recruiting drive.

Our key stone cops Administration has totally underestimated the 100% total lie of a War, butchered the reconstruction, and now we are stuck in the middle of a no-win Religious Civil War.

Are our Soldiers fighting valiantly? Yes. Do our Soldiers deserve the full support of the American people? Yes. Do we continue to sacrifice the lives of our young and brightest, because we have inflexible, stay the course, stick your head in the sand leadership? Heck NO!

Yes, we have to continue to fight terrorism aggressively, but we need a better plan of attack that has intelligence instead of arrogance behind it. Putting our troops in position to attack the leadership and infrastructure of al Quaeda, instead of watching them get blown up by roadside bombs or shot out of the sky in helicopters.

Something has to change. We have photo op leadership. Flying to an aircraft carrier for a photo op when we supposedly had mission accomplished in Iraq. Flying to Iraq for a surprise visit to bolster the troops on Thanksgiving for a photo op. Going to a pristine, spin and span ward at Walter Reed hospital for a photo op, while a few hundred yards away, we have injured Iraq veteran hero's, living in squalid, rat infested conditions, we wouldn't allow our dog to stay in.

You measure people by their actions not their words. Our Soldiers actions? Heroic. Our Leaders actions? Unconscionable.


At 3:16 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Is every soldier's actions heroic? How about the guys who murder civilians? How about the guys who torture? Is that heroic?

This cliche of supporting the troops and labeling them as heroes needs to end. What's so heroic about going to fight a war to steal another nation's oil, to enrich Bush and his cronies and to fight for a government that cuts your benefits, sends your injured to a hospital that is infested with rats and mold and then bans you from speaking to the media about it? All I see is endless stupidity.

If the troops weren't willing to blindly follow Bush, there would be no immoral war. It starts with them and the only troops that are heroes are the ones like Ehren Watada who have refused to fight an immoral war and be accomplices to war crimes.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

Just my spin for the local newspaper. While I agree 100% that there is endless stupidity, if I engage the broader public, via a letter to the editor, I have to be very smart how I frame the discussion.

Yes too many people are sheep who follow blindly along. This is my attempt, to make clear who are the guilty parties.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Gotcha. I agree that you have to know your audience. You're up there with all the fanatics. I don't know how you do it. :-)

At 9:33 AM, Blogger RR said...

what's amazing is how many american's still buy the "Iraq as the front in the war on terror" lie...

Al Qaeda is in W. Pakistan/E. Afghanistan. The situation there is akin to that of Laos/Cambodia and Vietnam in 1970. We either need to track, attack and eliminate the enemy or get the hell out of the line of fire.


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