Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Missing in Action

Sorry folks. Da Sleepmeister is absolutely buried in work, and traveling a lot, so while I may find the time to surf by your respective websites, I haven't had the time or inclination to put any serious thought into a post. Birdy, Stalin, ROR, JJ, and II have been doing the heavy lifting while I have been dogging it.

My wife and I did have neighbors over for dinner last Saturday night, and we drank wine, and talked till after midnight, which may not sound like much for youngsters, but us who are North of 50 aren't used to this.

One of the topics we talked about is entitlements, and the mentality of too many Americans, ie, what's in it for me, or what am I owed?

I'll go a long way to try to help somebody out if they are doing everything in their power to help themselves. A hundred years ago if you lost everything due to a natural catastrophe, or just rotten luck, you either fended for yourself, relied on family, or the help from your community.

Face it folks the Government is bankrupt, and we have to teach our youth, that they have to learn to fend for themselves. Plus it is impossible to put a value on building relationships, bonds, and friendships. You never know when you need somebody to give you a hand, and the fact is nobody owes you nuttin'. You reap what you sow.

It's comforting to know that there are people our there who you can count on unconditionally.


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