Saturday, February 04, 2006

What the Dem's talking points should be

It's easy really, like shooting fish in a barrel. Rove and Co. are experts at crafting a story, and DIRECTING the discussion. If the Dem's have any hope they have to get on the offensive and keep the publics eye on a critical few issues. Ready? Here they are.

1) Protect the troops, body armor, humvee armor, relief, reinforcements, vet's benefits.
- The Republicans and Congress can blow smoke all they want, but the fact is their
actions here are invisible. The Dem's should not argue about the war in Iraq.
Fergitaboutit, just talk solely about doing what's right for our armed forces.

Play up the fact war profiteers are making bizillions while our troops go without

2) Be equal in the need to root out terrorism, but be more focused in your arguments
- Bin Laden? Make him the poster child of the bad guy. Hamas the same thing. Every cause
needs a scapegoat a poster child.
- Play up the fact that this administration DROPPED THE BALL in the hunt for Bin Laden.

3) Fight like Hell for the Constitution
- Keep this message very simple, something the average Joe will understand

4) The Deficit and Tax cuts
- It's the Deficit stupid! Again a simple message stay on topic.
- Freezing Tax Cuts in the face of mounting deficits? It defies all logic. Every single American in this country can understand this one, so MAKE them understand

5) Energy policy
- Again this is so simple it's impossible to ignore. The Oil Company's are making GIGANTIC, RECORD PROFITS, and our energy policy as a Nation is to give THEM tax cuts? Come on, you can get the public riled up right quick here.

6) Corruption in Government
- Being on the take, cronyism, etc.
- Create one poster child too of Republican Pork, "The Bridge to No-where"

Those are the sweet six right there. The Republicans have ZERO defense for any of these, none.

The Republicans want to make the argument about Roe vs Wade, Gay marriage, Intelligent design, Liberal press. Don't let them. Tell the public exactly how the Republicans are focusing on these issues, and simply ask, "Why aren't they doing anything about the sweet six?".


At 7:01 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

or call them the Simple Six, because the Points should be sooooooo simple, anyone can remember them.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

You would think the Dems are working for the Repugs sometimes with all the softballs they throw their way. Why argue about Roe v. Wade when the troops don't have body armor?

This should be your next op-ed piece.

At 12:02 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

II, Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are doing well. I'm not sure how I'm doing. I'm doing a steady burn. I care a lot about this Nation, and basic principles, and it's all going down the toilet.

Well to quote John Paul Jones, "I have not yet begun to fight".

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

I feel as pessimistic as you do. Everytime I think it can't get worse, it does. The Repugs hate America and, unfortunately, six years is enough time to do irreversible damage.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger RR said...

MS-- You are dead-on target. These are the things the Dems NEED to be talking about...

I can't figure out why they haven't figured it out tho... They can't be that stupid/timid can they?

At 7:30 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

Yes they can, and that is the sad part.

I think the repug's have made a big mistake, and left the door wide open.

Most of the old arguments about the Dem's are obsolete. Tax and spend, big government, anti-military.

The Dem's are focusing too much on Bush, and not enough on what the overall Republicans are doing.


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