Monday, January 09, 2006

A country divided

Let's see what's going on in the news right now.

NSA authorized wiretaps, with no oversight, despite avenue's being avail for appropriate "after the fact" warrants. Public debate if it's ok to bend the law or not, as in "it's ok as long as they only look at bad guys".

Abramoff scandal blowing open. Who's being investigated, and who actually took money directly from Abramoff?

DeLay stepping down. I did nothin' wrong, and I will be exonerated.

Scooter waiting for trial. Plea bargain in the works? Not likely.

Fitz still investigating Rove related to the Plame affair. Anybody else on the watch list? Cheney? Will there be a WMD investigation?

What happened to the search for Osama? Is he with Waldo?

Is the Mission accomplished? Have we turned the corner?

How are we going to deal with Iran?

Will the apologists keep apologizing, or will they actually draw a REAL line and stand on principal?

What will be the next Power Grab move?


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

No lines. They have no principles.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger RR said...

"Mission accomplished"

First we have to identify the mission...

I am still amazed at the number of people who think Iraq was a good decision.

I keep asking for a clear, logical reason why a democratic Iraq means less terrorism here at home... All I get is BS and hand-waving.


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