King George da Foist, Flip Flopper
The neo-conservatives took great pleasure in portraying John Kerry as Mr. Flip Flop during
the Presidential campaign of 2004.
Kerry is a rank amateur compared to Emperor Flip-Flip, GWB.
WMD's!!! Uh no WMD's!!!
Yellow cake!!! Uh no Yellow cake!!!
White House leakers will be fired!!! Uh no, we'll let to the legal process play out.
We're in Iraq because they threaten our National Security!!! Uh no, we're there for
freedom and democracy.
Iraq, Mission Accomplished!!! Uh no, we're turning the corner, Uh no, we have to be patient.
We've couldn't have foreseen levee's breached plus death and destruction due to Katrina!!!
Uh no, now we find out Homeland Security briefed the White House 48 hours in advance, forecasting breached levee's, flooding, death and destruction.
One week, "Brownie, your doing a great job!!! Next week, Brownie is gone.
One week, "Harriet Miers WILL be confirmed!!! Next week, Harriet is gone.
Osama Bin Laden is public enemy #1!!! Uh no, we're not worried about him anymore, uh no we NOW have to pay attention to him and his threats again.
In 2004, in a speech in Buffalo, we are told, Warrants are a necessary part of the Wiretapping process and it's important to support the protections provided in the Constitution. All the while knowing he had authorized Wiretaps without Warrants three years previously. (sorry, this wasn't actually a flip flop, it was a bold faced, outright LIE to the American public).
Saturday Live couldn't make this shit up.
So why does the public swallow this administration's crap?
I guess it's the tough-guy image he portrays... Too bad he doesn't portray and image of competence.
They are amazing though: anyone who can paint a decorated Vietnam vet as "soft on terrorism" is a frigg'n evil mastermind.
Either that or the majority of American's simply don't 'think' past a headline.
ROR- you are partly right
the majority of American's simply don't 'think'
You do have to wonder. We have this large group of people that vote with their pocket book, and as long as they have low taxes, and the deficit grows, they just don't care. They just aren't paying attention. They hear the noise and tune it out to the detriment of the Nation.
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