Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pet Peeve's

This relates to the discussion's on The Intellectual Insurgents Blog, as well as the thread on this Blog related to rudeness, cluelessness, etc. Besides we need some low brow things to talk about.

I thought I would bring up some of my Pet Peeves. Note, there is no relative ranking, it just is a stream of consciousness. Don't we all actually like to get steamed about a few unimportant matters?

1) The ten items or less line at the Grocery store, and the person in front of you has 20 items plus. They can count.
2) Any level of football official (High School, College or Pro's). You'll have a referee 5 yards away from a play, yet the penalty flag comes flying in suddenly from 30 yards away.
3) Fast Food? The drive up window waiting times are getting ridiculous (I don't do this often but if I have to work late, and I want a quick bite on the way home).
4) Michael Irvin defending Terrel Owens.
5) Lack of 100% "in the box" solutions. No matter where you go to buy your electronics or media products it seems you have to buy high margin accessories to get a complete solution. What happened to simple "plug and play".
6) Professional soccer players taking a fake dive to draw a penalty.
7) Going to Home Depot or some other store, and finding items on the shelf where someone has opened a packaged item to take the one washer, screw, or attachment they broke or lost at home.
8) Squeezing the tooth paste tube in the middle.
9) The person that inevitably waits until the last possible second to merge, like they forgot where they were going at the last minute.
10) Chickenhawks


"Only cowards cut and run?"

Isn't this exactly what our commander in chief did when he got out of his National Guard service early?

"I'm a War President?".

For once, I may just agree with the NRA. It's time to get a hunting license, and get your quota of chickenhawks.

Friday, November 18, 2005


This one is for Stalin, as this is his favorite Holiday.

What's up with Fitzmas? It's quiet, too quiet. I'm convinced Fitz is still doing his thing. Maybe there are backroom plea bargains going on. The Grand Jury has not been released. Fitz is like a Pit Bull and a Bloodhound. Let's call him a BloodBull.

We may have a very merry Fitzmas after all. Libby is just the fall guy. It ain't over yet. The volume coming of rhetoric tells me a lot. The pressure is only getting worse. All it takes is just one loyalist to spill the beans, and all Hell will break loose.

A Moral Decline, the disappearance of the Golden Rule

I'm not sure I know where to go with this post, so you'll have to bear with me.

I'm concerned about the general degradation of morals, character, ethics and general values in the good old U S of A.

Let's start with common courtesy. Opening doors for people. General awareness about your surroundings. Shopping at Costco, a grocery store, etc. How often do you see people hogging an aisle? They will plant themselves in the center of an aisle near a food station, and block flow in both directions. It's one thing if they are just selfish, insensitive dolts, but I just don't think they get it at all. Our society seems to be becoming more self centered. I've traveled a lot on business lately. Go through airports. People will be pulling luggage through a terminal, again in the middle of a pathway, and flat out just stop. Or they will walk with family or friends side by side by side, SLOWLY. Clueless about their surroundings or how they impact their fellow man. Cellphones use in public places. People that cross sidewalks at snails pace, like they have all the time in the world.

Getting on airplanes. I was in Barcelona a couple of months ago. I was one of the first people, getting on the plane. A family was ahead of me. The father was blocking the aisle trying to place 4 or 5 bags in the overhead bins. First of all, the selfish lout, should have put 3 bag overhead and 2 under the seats, but he was taking forever to juggle the baggage so it would all fit. NOBODY said anything. The stewardesses said nothing. Finally I yelled, "CLEAR THE AISLE". Yes, I was the ugly American, but you know what? He cleared the aisle. This is not an isolated case. I see it all the time traveling on planes.

Professional athletes, "it's all about me". Highly paid entertainers and public figures. Their sense of entitlement is amazing. I know I'm generalizing too much, but you see it more and more everyday.

Enron exec's, Worldcom, Healthsouth, Oil Company's, Hedge Funds, I could go on and on and on. It seems that whatever you can get away with is ok. I lock horns with some Conservatives on this. Some profits are obscene. Gouging the public, just screwing your fellow man is deemed perfectly acceptable.

The Media has no moral backbone. Absolutely gutless. Some Politician or other Public figure might be interviewed, and be dishing out absolute garbage, and they are not challenged.

People of faith, and ethics. How can they rationalize their faith, and yet be silent about the lack of ethics, and greed of powerful Politicians or Business people.

Our Nation has become worldclass rationalizers. I remember a line from the a movie, and it goes something like this:

Person A "Rationalizations are more important to people than Sex".
Person B "Nothing is more important than Sex"
Person A "Oh yeah. Have you ever gone more than a week without a rationalization?"

Values are like hair colors. You can discard them or change them once a week.

It's almost got to the point where people don't even recognize common courtesy anymore. Whenever I drive my car, and I see another driver who may have to wait foreever to merge or cross traffic, I will try to stop if I can and wave the in or through. Sometimes, when I do this, people just stare at me, as my gesture is so foreign to them, they don't know what to do.

My parents were relentless with my siblings and I about saying "please" and "thankyou". Always thank your host for dinner, whether you like the meal or not. Always stand to the side in a store. Always be aware of your surrounding. Always treat others the way you wish to be treated. This is exactly how I raised my kids, and maybe even more so, as I saw the decline of the Golden Rule around me and my family.

I have raised this point on other boards in different context with some Wingnuts, and I was told it was Gay's faults, Liberals faults, the rise of feminism as a fault, the rise of Civil Rights as a fault, Unions fault.

All I know is I don't like it, and it saddens me. I know my kids will keep the cause alive though.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Mad as Hell

I am tired of the pissing matches. I don't care what Move on does, or the wacko Newdow does, or what Kennedy says, or what Hannity, Colmes, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Streisand, or the ego centric Michael Moore does. None of those talking heads really cares about solving problems. They care about ratings, image, selling books, and creating diviseness in this nation. Nuke em all. They are a plague on our country.

I care about solving damn problems. We have way too much "he said, she said", or "Clinton bashing". Come on, Clinton is miserable enough, without us continually dumping on the man. It does not advance the discussion. It is not all the Dem's fault, it is not all the Republican's fault, it is not all the Liberals fault, it is not all Conservatives fault. Ok, maybe it is the Fool's fault :)

We are bombarded with half truths, spin, misinformation, incomplete solutions, lie's, each side twisting the words and positions of the opponents.

I like complete solutions. I constantly see people compromising their values to get something they want. It's sickening. That is the road to perdition.

We cannot compromise our values, our integrity, and turn our head to the side, and say it is ok to torture people because it might improve National Security. There is a moral path, and an amoral path. Allowing torture is consorting with the Devil.

You can take all the spin, rhetoric, hyperbole your want, and it all means nothing. Torture is un-American, period. If you choose to defend it, then I am done with you. You are too far gone, to try to bring back. You have gone to the dark side, and there all too many other souls to save.

America used to aspire to a higher standard. We used to be THE standard. No more. Pissed down the drain. 200+ years of greatness, gone.

We are all Americans. Stop defending those that are leading us to disaster.

Iraq is a damn deadend. Sadaam is gone, great. I'm not so sure the leadership we're putting in place will be any better. They hate each other over there, and those divisions run deep, and they have the memory of Elephants. We ain't going to fix that. We can talk Liberty, Freedom, Democracy all we want and in the end it's all BS, because they are more interested in blowing each other up, and settling fueds than building a country.

If we want to fight terrorism then we better get the Hell out of there ASAP, and go on the road, and root it out.