Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Mad as Hell

I am tired of the pissing matches. I don't care what Move on does, or the wacko Newdow does, or what Kennedy says, or what Hannity, Colmes, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, or Streisand, or the ego centric Michael Moore does. None of those talking heads really cares about solving problems. They care about ratings, image, selling books, and creating diviseness in this nation. Nuke em all. They are a plague on our country.

I care about solving damn problems. We have way too much "he said, she said", or "Clinton bashing". Come on, Clinton is miserable enough, without us continually dumping on the man. It does not advance the discussion. It is not all the Dem's fault, it is not all the Republican's fault, it is not all the Liberals fault, it is not all Conservatives fault. Ok, maybe it is the Fool's fault :)

We are bombarded with half truths, spin, misinformation, incomplete solutions, lie's, each side twisting the words and positions of the opponents.

I like complete solutions. I constantly see people compromising their values to get something they want. It's sickening. That is the road to perdition.

We cannot compromise our values, our integrity, and turn our head to the side, and say it is ok to torture people because it might improve National Security. There is a moral path, and an amoral path. Allowing torture is consorting with the Devil.

You can take all the spin, rhetoric, hyperbole your want, and it all means nothing. Torture is un-American, period. If you choose to defend it, then I am done with you. You are too far gone, to try to bring back. You have gone to the dark side, and there all too many other souls to save.

America used to aspire to a higher standard. We used to be THE standard. No more. Pissed down the drain. 200+ years of greatness, gone.

We are all Americans. Stop defending those that are leading us to disaster.

Iraq is a damn deadend. Sadaam is gone, great. I'm not so sure the leadership we're putting in place will be any better. They hate each other over there, and those divisions run deep, and they have the memory of Elephants. We ain't going to fix that. We can talk Liberty, Freedom, Democracy all we want and in the end it's all BS, because they are more interested in blowing each other up, and settling fueds than building a country.

If we want to fight terrorism then we better get the Hell out of there ASAP, and go on the road, and root it out.


At 3:19 PM, Blogger RR said...

If we want to fight terrorism then we better get the Hell out of there ASAP, and go on the road, and root it out.

That's the truth.

There are a lot of people and groups out there that would like to do us harm. Now there are a lot more than there were just a few years ago.

Until we quit bank-rolling W's feel-good speeches and focus our energies on the real threat we're all just blowing smoke

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

All this he-said she-said is a distraction from the fact that the country's leaders have proven themselves time and time again utterly inept at solving the nation's problems. Instead of answering for it, Cheney gives a speech chiding the Democrats and everyone predictably takes sides. While everyone's busy arguing about who knew what, Cheney gets a reprieve from answering for his corruption and war-profiteering.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

I have always been a big believer in what goes around, comes around.

II, welcome.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

11 17 05

I found you via II's blog. Good post! II, you and me are all hitting upon something quite similar in our posts: truth objectivity and ethics. I will highlight your article on my blog today:)

At 2:14 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

MSM. You hit the high points of my value structure.

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

But the administration doesn't want to get rid of terrorism - they look at it as a gift. Now that we don't have the Soviets to kick around any more we have a better common enemy we can use to blackmail the public into giving up their freedom and their money and their principles and their lives.

Osama is Bush's cash cow.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...


You pretty much summed up the current state of affairs. Bush would have been impeached by now if Osama hadn't come to his rescue. People forget that before 9/11, he was reeling from his good buddy Delay's robbery of Enron.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

The Bush term is not over yet, and despite how hard the Administration is trying to hide information, additional things may come to light.

I don't want to be a Bush basher. I just don't like being lied to. I don't like the fact I have no confidence in this administration, but the fact is I don't.

This is my country, it is your country, it belongs to the collective citizens of this nation. It is not Bush's private toy to do with as he pleases, and that is exactly how I think he treats the Nation.

Look at the guys in the White House. Rove. Pure scum. Has no morals or character in his damn body. He would sell his soul (if he already hasn't) to advance the cause. Cheney? The man has lost it. Bush? A paper tiger. Mano y Mano. Gutless. He cares more about his Saudian Arabian buddies, and padding his cronies, and families bank accounts. His holier than thou act is so hollow so transparent, that the rest of the world just laughs at how gullible we collectively are.


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