Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Let's not debate the War in Iraq for the moment, and just thank our women and men
in our Armed forces for putting their lives on the line to protect our Nation, and thank the many
Veterans who have faithfully served our Nation.

Dina, I agree that I would like to see more soldiers "in the know" find a way to protest the war, ie, like not fighting as an example. That aside I do admire people commiting to the Armed Forces to protect and serve this Country. It's not their fault, we have power mad leadership in the White House.

As we reflect on their sacrifices let's look at what financial sacrifices the Nation is making to supportour troops? We aren't really, at least not today. We are basically passing along this debt to generations upon generations of American's yet to be born into this world.
Let's dispel once and for all the myth that Democrats are Tax and Spenders and Republicans are fiscal conservatives. It is Presidential administrations that propose the annual budgets
of this Nation, not Congress.

President Reagan increased the National debt from $930 Billion, to $2.602 Trillion (8 years).

President Bush 1 increased the National debt from $2.602 Trillion to $4.064 Trillion (4 years).

President Clinton increased the National debt from $4.064 Trillion to $5.674 Trillion (8 years).

A large increase in absolute dollars, but the % added to the debt declined every year in
office (1.2% in 2000).

President Bush 2 has raised the National debt from $5.674 Trillion to $8.506 Trillion in his first 6 years in office. Current projections show National Debt climbing to $9.848 Trillion by the time Bush 2 leaves office.

The numbers don't lie, Politicians do.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

That aside I do admire people commiting to the Armed Forces to protect and serve this Country.

They don't protect and serve this country. They protect and serve GW and his corporate puppeteers. Each soldier took an oath to defend NOT this Country, but the CONSTITUTION and each one of them that agrees with this war that, as yet, has not been authorized under the Constitution violates EVERYTHING this country supposedly stands for.

They are f'ing cowards just taking orders, ignoring the oath that every public official swears and always violates.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

II, your view is very idealistic in nature, as is my admiration of those who choose to enter the military voluntarily.

The challenge for both of us is reality. Do you really expect foot soldiers, trained to take orders, and basically be sheep, to suddenly become Constitionally astute?

That ain't going to happen. You can want it all you want and I can want it all I want, but it just ain't happenin'.

There are few people in this world who are leaders, and it will take leaders actions to turn the tide.

Pelosi, and Reid, are pissing me off. Take on Bushco, and Wingnuts directly by appealing to the American public. Fight the tough fight. Senior Pentagon officers have spoken up, and have been demoted or dismissed.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

I don't expect soldiers to do or not do anything. They are individuals who make choices based on their circumstances. Where we differ is that I do not idealize these mere mortals and put them on unearned pedestals. As long as this idealistic hero worship of soldiers continues, then it is impossible to have an intelligent discussion or realistic approach to this.

They aren't heroes just because they wanted the signing bonus or the GI bill. The only heroes in the military are those who do fight for the Constitution and, at this point, that is a very small number of them. The rest of them are no more or less heroic or admirable than any other Joe Shmoe.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

I agree that any defender of the constitution is a hero. Mostly unsung hero's these days.

I am not putting soldiers on a pedestal. Most are probably misguieded and do not understand what they are fighting for.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Here's what a real warrior looks like -


Aside from the reality of indentured servitude, the American soldier in theory is much nobler. Soldier or officer, when we swear our oath it is first and foremost to the Constitution and its protectorate, the people. If soldiers realized this war is contrary to what the Constitution extols - if they stood up and threw their weapons down - no President could ever initiate a war of choice again. When we say, "… Against all enemies foreign and domestic," what if elected leaders became the enemy? Whose orders do we follow? The answer is the conscience that lies in each soldier, each American, and each human being. Our duty to the Constitution is an obligation, not a choice.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

II, sorry to get back to you so late, but I was offline all weekend (home remodeling, working in the vineyard, and playing golf on fathers day).

We have no disagreement on the Constitution, or defending it.

I just think you are oversimplifying what you expect or are asking soldiers to do.

Look at the ACLU for a moment. Their charter is defend the Bill of Rights, yet the majority of people think of the ACLU as extremists. A lot probably has to do with how the ACLU is characterized by the so-called left leaning media, and by the fact that the ACLU. I'm raising the ACLU as an example because anyone taking a visible, active, public stance against the war, or trying to actively defend the constitution (all good things), will come under attack, as the spin machine will be out in force.

I choose to speak out publicly on a range of issues. Separation of church and state, bill of rights, and the constitution. I am one of but a few voices against a Sea of wingnut critics in Placer County. My arguments are well reasoned, and written in a way to reach people, and get them to think differently. Largely I am ignored by the wingnut faithful. I am just labeled a liberal, and they dismiss my arguments without the slightest attempt at internalizing my message. I live in a highly educated community.

I would characterize most military personnel as undereducated, culturally limited, and not worldly enough to really understand what action you are suggesting they pursue.

My community might "get it" but choose not to act. The average joe serviceman, stands a change in hell of "getting it".

At 2:55 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

sorry for the uncompleted sentence. editing problem (age and thick fingers).


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