Monday, October 23, 2006

Vino, and Wedding

Time to take a break from Political discussions to focus on more pleasant topics.

First the Wedding. Number two son, Bryan, got married on Saturday, October 21st, and is on his honeymoon in Maui with his beautiful bride Kristin. The Wedding, and Reception went off without a hitch. Couldn't have been better.

My wife and I are also co-signing on a loan for a new 2 Bedroom Condominium purchase, so when they return from their honeymoon, they will have their own home to begin life together.

Vino. The Sleepsters harvest has gone well. Almost 1000 pounds in total. All of the Cab, and Petite Sirah has finished fermenting, and the grapes have been pressed and are currently waiting for the loose solids to settle to the bottom of the storage containers. 2/3 of the Zinfandel has finished fermenting, and is also pressed out and settling. The remaining Zinfandel grapes will finish fermentation this week, and I will press at the latest by Friday.

I've also purchased 1000 lbs of Petite Sirah grapes from a grower near Lodi, and 1500 lbs of Syrah & Barbera grapes from a grower near Plymouth, California (Amador County), and all of those grapes have finished fermenting, and have been pressed.

Over the next couple of weeks we will bottle last years harvest and then move the new wine from the storage vessels to the Oak barrels.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Time for a choice (latest letter)

The noise level is beginning to reach a creshendo in regards to who the public should
elect to represent our interests in Congress. Doolittle or Brown? Again the key word is "represent". It is a choice we all have to make, and this should be an informed choice.

There are those in the public who tell us to vote along party lines only. This is an
idiotic and brain-dead approach. We have good Republican, and Democrat public servants and bad Republican, and Democrat public servants. We have to demand the best, and we'll only get the best by picking the best candidate regardless of political affiliation.

So what do we know? We know a lot more about Doolittle than we do about Brown because he's been in office a long time. His voting stances are public record, his fund raising practices are public record, his lack of military service is public record and how he engages his constituents or refuses to engage his constituents is public record. We really only know two things about Brown. He served his country honorably, in multiple wars for many years, and has retired from the Air Force. What else we know is that he's being demeaned by Doolittle attack dog loyalists because he supports the organization who's sole charter is to defend the Bill of Rights.

The fear mongering, chicken hawk, chicken little's are trying to scare you into believing a life long military man will suddenly turn into a tree hugging, limp wristed, left wing activist. What a crock. You want to support our troops? Who do you really believe will do a better job supporting our troops.

You have a choice to make. Doolittle has shown us who he represents, and it is not you and I. We've all seen enough. I don't know enough about Charlie Brown, but what I do know is that he is an honorable man, and I know all I can stomach about Doolittle. He had his chance and it's over.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Calling all Conservatives.

Quid Pro Quo.

1) Conservatives believe big government is bad. What gives?

2) Dem's Tax and spenders? Repub's Tax cut and bigger spenders? Be honest, what is really worse.

3) Tax Cuts for Big Oil to incent them to invest in alternative energies? What? What's better a Tax Cut or a Tax Credit for ACTUAL investment?

4) Why did we give up the hunt for Osama?

5) How do you feel about Torture? The childlike response of "well they're are doing it", doesn't cut it. Two wrongs don't make a right. Something we teach our kids starting at about 2 years of age. Shouldn't Americans aspire to a higher standard?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wizard of Oz leadership

Latest letter sent to the Editor of the local paper.


As we approach November elections, it is important for all Americans and Placer County residents to look closely at the actions of our Politicians, Leaders, and Politicians to be.

Actions speaks louder than words. Observing actions, and really understanding those actions, will give us a better forecast and understanding of how people will act in the future. Words often belie actions.

Words are intended to divide us, don't kid yourself.

We have Wizard of Oz leadership in too many places in this country. We hear loudly "stay the course", "don't cut and run", Dem's are soft on Terrorism", "if the Dem's get in power, Terrorists will run amok", "Liberals are America-haters", "it's Clinton's fault".

Baloney. We just disagree on how best to look out for the interests of this Nation.

Consider these facts. We have run up an horrific Federal deficit while at War. Not paying for this right now is a braindead approach. We have totally mismanaged Afghanistan, and Iraq. We were told the Taliban is gone, they are back. We were told Mission accomplished. We were told the insurgency is on it's last legs, it's stronger than ever. FEMA response to Katrina. Pure, embarrassing, incompetence. We are spending Billions in Homeland security, and in Iraq, yet we place unqualified cronies in place to manage our money, with no accountability. We give Tax Cuts to Big Oil supposedly to stimulate alternative energy research. They are making BILLIONS already, and if you truly want to incent them to research you give them Tax Credits for actual research dollars, and NOT tax cuts.

If you had hired someone to do a job for you, you would evaluate them based upon their performance. The performance of our current leadership is abysmal. We have to expect more as citizens, and it is time for a change. The men behind the curtain have revealed themselves. They tell us not to look there. Open your eyes.