Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Time for a choice (latest letter)

The noise level is beginning to reach a creshendo in regards to who the public should
elect to represent our interests in Congress. Doolittle or Brown? Again the key word is "represent". It is a choice we all have to make, and this should be an informed choice.

There are those in the public who tell us to vote along party lines only. This is an
idiotic and brain-dead approach. We have good Republican, and Democrat public servants and bad Republican, and Democrat public servants. We have to demand the best, and we'll only get the best by picking the best candidate regardless of political affiliation.

So what do we know? We know a lot more about Doolittle than we do about Brown because he's been in office a long time. His voting stances are public record, his fund raising practices are public record, his lack of military service is public record and how he engages his constituents or refuses to engage his constituents is public record. We really only know two things about Brown. He served his country honorably, in multiple wars for many years, and has retired from the Air Force. What else we know is that he's being demeaned by Doolittle attack dog loyalists because he supports the organization who's sole charter is to defend the Bill of Rights.

The fear mongering, chicken hawk, chicken little's are trying to scare you into believing a life long military man will suddenly turn into a tree hugging, limp wristed, left wing activist. What a crock. You want to support our troops? Who do you really believe will do a better job supporting our troops.

You have a choice to make. Doolittle has shown us who he represents, and it is not you and I. We've all seen enough. I don't know enough about Charlie Brown, but what I do know is that he is an honorable man, and I know all I can stomach about Doolittle. He had his chance and it's over.


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Well said.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

Not bad. It's still an uphill battle. Way too many people with their head in the sand.

You do what you can do.


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