Gone With the Wind
I recently saw this movie again on Cable television, and I reflected upon the end of the movie, and some of the current issues facing our Nation.
Our budget surplus from just a few years ago, is now "Gone With the Wind".
I concluded that we have a Scarlet O'Hara administration, as in, "I'll worry about it tomorrow".
Solving the upcoming funding shortfall for Social Security? "I'll worry about it tomorrow". Instead we'll propose a solution (private/personal/individual accounts) that does absolutely
nothing to solve the funding problem.
Record annual deficits? Reservists, and National Guard forces facing financial hardships, and repeated tours of Duty? Korean Nuclear threat? Iranian Nuclear threat? Open borders? The Failure of FEMA? The failure of Homeland Security? Spiraling Medicare Costs? No bid contracts with Business Cronies? The Constitution being ignored? "I'll worry about it tomorrow".
There was a bill before Congress, sponsored by the Scarlett O'Hara administration, called "the Clear Skies Act", that if enacted in it's current language would triple the amount of allowable Mercury emitions in the air, from Coal Burning Power Plants. Clean Air? Clean Water? Birth defects? Global Warming? We'll worry about it today, and they "will worry about it tomorrow".
I feel sorry for the next generation. Maybe they will refuse to fund social security and, when we are old, leave us broke and destitute the way our generation is doing to them.
II, I learned long ago, not to hang my hat on Social Security, and my kids know they had better plan on living without it.
You and I will be fine, and our kids (if that happens for you) will be fine as well.
The safety net for the few unfortunate, and destitute is at serious risk.
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