Monday, December 12, 2005

Moritorium on Political Threads for awhile

There doesn't appear to be much interest in coming together right now. Too much "my way or the highway", too much finger pointing, too much taking payola from special interests, too much corruption, too much graft, too much pork, too much "what's in it for me?" Too much selling out our Nation's interests in pursuit of lining someone's pocket book. Do we honestly believe the Saudi influence on our current administration is healthy? Do we honestly believe the Saudi investments in American business, and our economy is healthy for our Nation?

Every chance President Bush has to mention 911 he never passes up the opportunity. The majority of the terrorists who piloted and crashed the planes on 911 were Saudi Arabian's. Not Iraqi's, not Afghani's, not Iranian's, not Syrian's, not Libyan's, but Saudi's. What did our Administration do? Got a damn hard on for Afghanistan, and Iraq, that's what they did. Saudi Arabia follow up. Nothing. Frankly it's criminal. Here we have a hot lead. Never has this question been answered. All this Administration has done is give them a get out of jail free card. When it comes to the Saudi's, the White House puts on knee pads. Just follow the money. Terrorist funding? How much comes from Saudi Arabia?

So, I'm asking anyone who swings by this Blog to think this through. If you're not happy with what is happening today, what are you going to do about it? How can we influence change? How can you influence change? If you're Mad as Hell, then how do you direct your anger productively? Take the time for reflection. Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, participate in building a strong local community, and come back with a well though out plan on what you're going to do in 2006 to make America a better Country.

We have a failure of leadership in this Country. Our leaders cannot lead by looking at the latest Polls, or surveys to determine how to act.


At 6:29 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

RC. I know you are active, but the question is, "what are you going to do differently, or are you just going to do more of the same?".

If you acknowledge you don't like corruption, you don't like graft, you don't like Politicians lieing to the American people, then you have to do something different than you are doing today.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Mr. Sleep, you are absolutely right about Saudi Arabia and the knee pads the Bush family cherishes. The Saudis practice a form of Islam most Muslims have rejected as absolutely insane, they have public beheadings on Fridays, they make women wear tents and forbid them from driving or going out in public without men, and the U.S. gets a hard on for Saddam who was secular leader. So much for a war on terror. It's a war on liberty and the Republicans support it lock, stock and barrel (of oil).

At 9:42 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

I keep hearing about this Liberal Press, yet the Saudi link and lack of follow up on the obvious 911 related questions never materialized.


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