This is probably a great title for some Op-Ed writer for a National Newspaper.
That is what this election boils down to.
Change. The Good, Old U S of A is just about in crash dive.
We need a wakeup call in the worst way, and I'm not sure even the wakeup call, and the right guy at the controls of the plane will be enough. I just hope so.
We have John McCain, and Barack Obama to choose from.
Both agree special interests are a problem. Both agree Healthcare has to get fixed. Both agree in many respects about energy independence.
The big differences revolve around Taxes, the Economy, National Defense, and Foreign Policy.
McCain has been championing de-regulation for his entire career up until a month ago.
McCain has scores of Lobbyists on his staff.
He is now saying "trust me", I've learned, I've changed.
McCain is just like Lucy holding the Football, and the Public is Charlie Brown.
A 5th grader understands this. We'll learn in the coming weeks how many Millions of Americans are not as smart as 5th graders.