New vs Old
I am quite worried about the country's future. Here is my assessment of the landscape of things.
We need leaders who can talk straight to the American public. If we have tough issues or decisions to make we have to face them head on as a Country.
The Chinese graduate 100 engineers for every 1 that graduates from American Universities. We are shipping too many jobs over seas, and also sending a lot of our Research and Development jobs over seas.
We haven't shaken our mindset from 50 years ago.
* We had the dominant economy
* We had the dominant military
* We owned all the major industries, Energy, Steel, Automotive, Electronics
* We were respected and admired worldwide
* We were the Social and Moral conscience of the world
* We produced the best and the brighest in our Universities
* The best and the brightest in the world came to the US looking for jobs
The world has changed, and actually changed for the good. The world is becoming better educated, we have a free flow of goods between country's, developing nations are building strong economy's. We live in a Global Marketplace.
The problem is that Americans and our Political Leaders seem to be stuck in a 1950's mindset. We haven't adjusted as a Nation from a Political Policy standpoint to the Globalization of the world.
Any strong economy needs a strong middle class. Our middle class gets weaker everyday.
Our Government policies reward company's for shipping jobs overseas, shipping technologies overseas, hiding Corporate taxes in offshore shelters.
America used to embody a live and let live mindset. Other cultures and country's used to try to fall all over themselves to emulate us. We led by example. Other Nations adopted our ideals, because they saw the benefit first hand.
We're taking a little more direct approach today. You've heard the old adage "you can't lead a horse to water", well that is what we are doing from a foreign policy standpoint. Instead of goods or services, we are trying to export our values, our beliefs, and system of government.
Peggy Noonan is wrong. Our Nation is at a crossroads. We need change and a wakeup call desperately.
This election is that important. If you remember back just a few months ago, it was Obama that commanded the platform of needing change. Obama was the voice of that wakeup call. That was not McCains original campaign platform. Both Hillary, and McCain ran on experience as their platform. Well Hillary lost the nomination and McCain took notice. It was only when McCain saw the response that Obama got from the American public, that his campaign modified their approach to embrace, the same theme Obama endorses.
McCain is a poster child for Old Washington. Yes, he loves to talk of being the Maverick, but you really have to examine his actions and positions carefully. His real action say Old Washington, business as usual.
He says he can do it all. I would rather have a more humble man or woman in the White House, who is aware of his limitations.
We have two candidates advocating change. Let's call them New Washington, and Old Washington.
New Washington talks about Energy independence, developing new Energy technologies, and millions of associated jobs.
Old Washington talks about breaking the mold in Washington. Taking on special interests. Going after the secret meeting in smoke filled rooms. Old Washington's chief of Staff is a "former Wall Street lobbyist". Old Washington has so many Wall Street lobbyists on his campaign staff, you can't count them all. How can he possibly be taken seriously that he's going to take on the special interests when his campaign staff is dominated by special interests?
Many will try to rationalize this and say, well, they are no longer lobbyists. Do you honestly believe that when the campaign is over, they won't go back to lobbying?
I mean, really?
If both candidates really are promoting the same platfrom, that of Change for America. It all boils down to one point, who will lead us there? New Washington or Old Washington? Do you really believe a Washington Insider is really going to suddenly change his stripes after all of these years? Old Washington is comfortable in that Old Suit. It's been hanging in the closet for years.
Old Washington's claim to fame is the McCain/Feingold Bill. The campaign finance reform act. Yes, that was a positive step. However off the top of your head, what else do you recall that Old Washington has championed in terms of meaningful, groundbreaking Legislation?
What he has said in the last week doesn't count, as that is just pander.
New Washington resume is lean, however you do have to pay attention to what he sponsored and fought for. New Washington got bi-partisan ethics reform approved, and pushed through in the Illinois State Legislature, and in the U.S. Senate. New Washingont pushed through a bipartisan bill making every earmark, grant, loan, and contract public knowledge. In essence promoting transparency in Goverment spending. Which is an incredibly fresh perspective after the last 7+ years.
New Washington sponsored legislation in the Senate to track WMD's and in particular Nuclear Weapons in the international landscape.
In the last 7 years, New Washington has told us the threat to our National Security is Al Qaeda in Afghanistan & Pakistan while Old Washington has focused on Iraq, and is now rattling Sabers about Iran & Russia. Wasn't a 40+ year Cold War enough? Old Washington said he'd go to the gates of Hell to catch Bin Laden, however he won't cross the border of Pakistan to get him. New Washington said, he'd send forces into Pakistan to get him. Guess what? That is exactly what President Bush is doing now. Who originally brought forth that idea? New Washington!
New Washington was a Constitutional Law Professor for over 10 years, and would be the first to become President.
So, New Washington has been a advocate for Ethics in Government, Transparency in Government, targeting tracking of Lethal Nuclear Weapons, targeting Terrorist Organizations, and embraces the Constitution. Some might say this is focusing on the Basics. If New Washington was labeled as a Liberal, these would be considered by any level headed, objective soul as Conservative values.
New Washington personifies the American Dream. He grew up in a low income environment. He did well in school, got some scholarships, and ended up with an Ivy League education, and finished near top of his class. He is a poster child for what is possible in America.
If Old Washington really wants to change the Good Old Boy Nework and Special Interest connections in Washington, what has he really done to change Washington in the last 7 years? If it is broken today it was broken 7 years ago. What he has done is follow and support Bush's policies in lockstep the last 7 years. Is that putting America first? If you know it is broken, and you put America first, then you would have been challenging the Washington status quo, and President Bush by your actions and your words the last 7 years. He is very much a Johnny come lately to the change mantra. Convenient timing I would say.
If you are happy with everything in America, vote McCain. If in your heart, you believe we have to ensure America adapts to the Globalized marketplace, and is strongly positioned for the future, you really have only one choice in this election, and that is Obama.