Bush Junior
Despite rhetoric about tackling corruption in Washington, John McCain does not appear
too eager to look into the current administration. When asked today about supporting independent investigations into the Bush administration, McCain replied:
"I do not agree with your sentiment that there has been widespread corruption. I just
don't accept that. And by the way my friends do you think it would be nice if the President of the United States got a little bit of credit for the fact that there has not been another attack on the United States of America since 9-11? I think he deserves some credit for that.
I really do."
So I guess this means no investigations on the following:
* Millions of missing White House emails, on both the White House servers and the use of the Republican National Committee email system for official White House, which is clearly against the law.
* The failure of the Justice Department to prosecute a single case of any crime of any nature by any Contractor in Iraq. Including Abu Garab, including numerous women contractors being raped, including contractors cheating the military and the taxpayers on fraudulent billing and services.
* No investigation into the US Attorney firings, despite overwhelming evidence it was Politically motivated
* No investigation into the White House being behind the authorization of the use of torture.
* No investigation that there has been selective Political Prosecution, ie, Don Seigelmon, the formal Governor of Alabama.
* No investigation into why the Justice Department failed to investigate corruption, and wrong doing of Republican lawmakers, including one of the Senator's of New Mexico, the Governor of Alabama, the Attorney General of Alabama, among others..
* No investigation into illegally authorized wiretaps prior to 9-11. The administration authorized the NSA to do illegal wiretaps, in violation of the FISA law. The reason Bushco wants to provide immunity to the telecoms is to ensure the illegal activities of the White House do not get uncovered.
Let's see, McCain wants to give Dubya credit on not having an attack on U.S. soil, since 9-11? Gee, if Dubya's rabble was on the ball to begin with, the attack never would have happened.