Stolen (borrowed) from Steve G on another thread
This was too good to pass up. Cut and pasted from a dialogue about potential Fox News Dem debates.
One can just imagine what a Democratic Party debate on Faux News would look like….
“Hello, I’m Chris Wallace and welcome to the Democrat Party candidate debate on Fox News between the Senator from New York Hillary Clinton and the Senator from Illinois, Barak Hussein Obama. The first question will come from Fox News’ senior correspondent Britt Hume.”
“Surveys have shown that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe the Democrat plan for withdrawal from Iraq would be a dangerous surrender to the terrorists. In fact, many Americans say they consider it tantamount to treason. So my question to both of you is, will you as President be willing to reject the Democrat leadership’s misguided, dangerous, and ultimately treasonous plan to cut and run and will you support our brave soldiers and allow them to have the opportunity to achieve victory in Iraq?”
(Wallace)“Thank you for, Britt, for that insightful, fact-filled question. Our next panelist is a best-selling author and the host of popular programs on both radio and television, political independent, Bill O’Reilly.”
“As you know, the most important issue facing this country in the ‘Secular Progressives’ WAR ON CHRISTMAS. Now, a Factor Investigation has found hundreds of Americans across the country who have been THROWN IN JAIL just for trying to buy a Christmas tree. So my question is, will either of you have the COURAGE to come on The Factor to denounce the S.P.’s War on Christmas? The Far Left has … no wait Obama, I’m not finished yet. The liberal moon-bats have … shut up Obama. Someone turn off his mike – he was getting ready to lie. In fact, turn off both their mikes. The people only want to hear me … ME… ME….”
(Wallace) “Thank you, Bill, for that will-reasoned, and self-effacing question. Our third panelist is a politically moderate, nationally-known commentator and the author of many best-selling books of thoughtful political discussion, Ann Coulter.”
“Tchaah! I think you’re both total FAGS. So what are you going to do to prove to Americans that you’re not both FAGS?”
(Wallace) “Thank you Ann. We can always count on you to elevate the tone of any discussion. That’s all the time we have. Thank you for joining Fox News — political coverage that’s always Fair And Balanced.”
Someone once commented of Ann Coulter, "She keeps her lovely figure by dining solely on her own bile."
Hmmm. I think she eats small rodents, or reptiles alive.
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