Thursday, August 30, 2007

Next Letter to the Editor

Thanks Dina for the nudge.

I was reading the local newspaper yesterday and came across a letter to the editor from a community parent, who I know quite well. Our kids went to school together, and our kids played sports together. Here is my reply.

Debi S. sent in a letter on August 29th questioning the emotional and radical content of left leaning letter writers. Debi, you refer to numerous letters written by "radical" elements that offer up apparently hollow reasoning. An even handed effort on your part could have easily brought attention to numerous "drive by shooting style" conservative based letters.

That said, I too prefer to see even handed, balanced type of dialogue in our community. I find myself in a quandry. I believe I possess far more conservative values than liberal values. I live in a very conservative community. Whenever we discuss politically related topics, I find myself being asked "how do YOU people intend to vote?", as if anyone not on the far right, is all the same type of voter. Honestly, I don't know what conservatives really stand for anymore. Conservatives are supposed to be fiscally conservative, yet I hear nothing from my conservative friends about about National Debt getting more than doubled in Bush's term in office. I hear nothing about literally tens of billions of dollars spent in Iraq reconstruction lost or unaccounted for. I hear nothing about about the treasonous activities of War profiteers. I hear nothing about about the very principlies this nation being founded upon, being shredded before our eyes. Loss of habeous corpus. Use of torture. The 911 comissions report being largely ignored. The bi-lateral Iraq study groups findings being ignored. The shameful lack of protective armor for our troops. The placement of totally incompetent crony's in crucial jobs domestically and abroad. I could go on an on, yet all I hear is silence.

Americans have to unite on common values, and demand changes. Debi, if you are a true conservative then get your friends together, and let's stand together and demand answers from our national leaders.


At 6:19 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Well said!

Often times, these so-called political debates sound more like a debate over whether Coke or Pepsi is better. Utterly pointless and accomplishes NADA.


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