A time of hope or despair?
Usually this time of year, I reflect upon the goodwill of mankind. We smile a lot more. We are kinder to each other. We are more likely to help out those who are not as fortunate as us. This time of year is almost an elixir to me. The Christmas spirit, the Holiday spirit usually fills me, and I have a bounce in my step, and a song in my heart so to speak.
Not so this year. I am worried about the current state of our country. I am worried about the future state of our country. I am worried about the futures of my children and grandchildren.
I share my concerns with friends and family, and try to determine what needs to be done to address the problems of our society and our country. My family see's the issues, and shares my concerns but doesn't necessarily see the urgency that I do. My friends cannot seem to handle what is going on, and cannot seems to internalize the fact that the party and the leaders they have endorsed in the past are ruining and bankrupting our country. It is easier for them to buy the spin, or holding on to old positions, that defy all reason and reality.
I push hard, I argue hard, I present all types of facts, evidence, etc. I answer all questions, and in the end I get blank stares from friends. I fear reality is too horrific for them to accept so they just try to ignore it.
We have elections coming up, and I'm 99% sure they will vote as they always have.
One step at a time. There is always hope (I hope).
I hope all are doing relatively well. Doing your own part to make this a better place to live for all of us. Enjoy your time with friends and family. Drink a little, laugh a little, smile a lot, hug a lot, and work toward a better tomorrow.
All we can do is try to educate in the most innovative way we know. In my mind, all of us have this responsibility, and then we just need to accept that we can only do as much as we can do, and be happy for the accomplishments that we've been able to effect. You can be proud to the extent that your message is getting out even in a world where the old order spends billions force-feeding its dogma. I choose hope.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
The rest is out of your hands.
No matter who is elected next year, our society will still suffer from a lack of values, a lack of direction, a lack of soul. That is the real malady we are witnessing.
It doesn't matter who is president when we have prescription-drug-addicted children shooting up malls; when we have processed-food-eating Americans getting more and more obese by the day; when we have a cultural war on men and family.
I'm not worried about the 2008 election. I'm worried about a society that is decaying from the inside out. That won't even say "Merry Christmas" for fear of offending someone.
You can live your life with joy and teach others to find beauty and peace in simple things. You can expres gratitude for every tiny blessing in your life...make this your challenge: see adn share the wonder of life. The crap is just like fog and mist and dissapates when the bright, warm sun of Truth, Life and Love are acknowledged...just a thought.
In Snowy Santa Fe
Odysseus, Dina, and Virginia. There is wisdom in all your counsel.
I am doing what I can do. I am trying to walk the talk. I am trying to achieve balance in life. Enjoys lifes simple pleasures.
There is fog indeed, but I'm doing my best to not let it consume me. Ignoring the fog is not an option.
So take care all, and I will do so as well.
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