Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Honesty and Integrity of the RNC?

As we approach the November elections, I have been inundated with political mailers from candidates and initiatives. One I received this week particularly drew my attention. It was titled "Immigration has become a Political Football" and must have been aimed at misinforming potential voters about Charlie Brown, candidate for the 4th Congressional District.

It stated that Charlie Brown supports:

(1) Letting illegal immigrants get social security

(2) Amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants

(3) Higher wages for guest workers than American citizens

(4) Nearly $50 Billion dollars in taxpayer-funded benefits

I found it hard to believe that any candidate, regardless of political party, would take this stand on the Immigration issue so I checked the campaign web site for Charlie Brown. What I discovered was in complete contradiction to the mailer. Charlie Brown supports:

(1) Securing America's borders with more agents and improved security technology

(2) That addressing the root cause of illegal immigration begins with enforcement of employers that hire illegal labor and encourage lawbreakers

(3) Opposes amnesty

In the lower left hand corner of the mailer it stated that it was paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee, 320 First Street SE, Washington D.C. 20003. Is this an example of the National Republican Congressional Committee ethics, integrity and moral values?

This is known at winning at all costs, lying, cheating, stealing. All virtues of the supposedly Moral Highground Conservatives.


At 4:52 AM, Blogger Hillary for President said...

Exact. That is why what do we need but HIllary Clinton four President. I hope EVERYONE will voat four a lady Hillary Clinton four president when the selections come up in too weeks.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

HFP - you need to learn how to spell.

Mr. Sleep - the Repugs have proven that power is more important to them than their so-called morals.


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