Monday, October 10, 2005


The American Public is constantly bombarded with Political Spin, and very carefully
filtered information (Propoganda).

Too much critical information is hoarded or hidden from the American public for
National Security reasons, or is it just because the truth is too embarrassing to the failure
of our policies and political actions?

A simple analysis of the Iraq war/"War on Terror" using a common sense approach and reason would clearly show the shortsightedness of those who believe we can eliminate the threat from Islamic radicals by a continuation of the same policies that contributed to their radical behavior in the first place? In many respects we are dealing with irrational (in western terms) people's, but there are some "cause and effects" to our actions or lack of actions.

How can we honestly believe we are fighting a war on terror, when our borders are wide open
to the wave of illegal aliens flooding our country. Can our Administration really not comprehend
the concept that people walking across the border every day are more than capable of setting off attacks inside our borders.

We have way too much disinformation, filtering of information, fake news stories, all carefully crafted to reinforce decisions by our Government.


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