Monday, October 17, 2005

Time to get real

Our good friend and buddy, Roseville Conservative, has had a record number of replies to his post that had an article that somehow connected the Nazi party under Hitler's reign with being left wing extremists.

At last count there were 55+ posts, and yours truly must have 8 - 10 of those posts. The Conservative argument is taking an educational/intellectual approach comparing Political spectrums of Absolute Government control vs No government control at all. The argument being the Nazi's being totalitarian, are left of center in this spectrum. Socially however they are almost of far right as our Neo-Con brotherhood (humor, but closer to the truth than I would like).

You might ask yourself why is this conundrum being posed at all? Is there Political motivation behind it?

Ok. Let's look for a moment at the extremists in the U.S. today, and let's at least one of us, take an honest view of their social leanings?

ACLU, ok, I'm giving the Neo-Con's a cheapee up front. Left and Liberal of course. However, whenever you point out to the Rightee's (wrongee's) that the sole purpose of the ACLU is to defend the Bill of Rights, you get absolute silence. Ok, just wait a minute, and listen. Did you ever hear a Conservative comment on the fact that it was the ACLU that actually filed a court ruling on behalf of the biggest Neo-Con gasbag to hit the airwaves since Joe McCarthy? You do know who I'm talking about don't you? Yes, the one and only Rush (to judgment) Limbaugh. Yes that recovering Drug Addict, who if he followed his own philosophies, would have turned himself over to the authorities and would be serving hard time as an known felon.

KKK. Right as rain.
American Nazi party. Hate to tell you rightees, but in your ball court again.
Skinheads. Right again.
Unibomber? Anti-intellectual, right again.
Abortion Center bomber/Atlanta Olympic bomber. Better dead than Red.
Timmy McVeigh. Righto.

Save the Seals. Damn lefties.
Sierra Club. Left. The heck with those spotted owls, or the fish habitat's.
Eco-Nazi's. Here's the connection. The heck with a healthy balanced eco-system, clean, water, clean air, heck no. We want company's to rape the land, make BIG profits. Profits GOOD.

The funniest thing about this whole thing is that on the subject of Nazi's & the left, they want to discuss this in a scholarly, intellectual fashion, but bring up Evolution, and intelligent design, and suddenly this scholarly approach suddenly goes out the window.


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Um, never forget that Timothy McVeigh - the guy who blew up the Oklahoma City building - was a registered republican.

Point being that I merely chuckle when they accuse others of being extreme.

:-), StS

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

I don't know what's in the water up in Northern Cal, but Aaron has been on quite a rampage the past few days. His posts have become less logical (if that was possible) and more hysterical each day.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

Aaron's alright. One passionate Dude! I'm sure if you ever needed a friend to be there for you, he would be and no questions asked.


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