Latest Letter to the Editor
On 8/20, Eric Egland wrote a letter chastising Placer County Congressional candidate Charlie Brown, and taking particular aim at the ACLU. We all know the ACLU at times takes odd and unusual stances on issues. No argument there. The sole purpose for the ACLU's existence is to defend the Bill of Rights. Eric, how do you feel about the Bill of Rights? Do you believe it is important to have a watchdog organization to make sure our Government honors the Constitution, or are you from the school that doesn't care a flying rip about balance of power? Those wiretapping thingees? Guess what? The government can still follow "the Law" and get access without having to work around "the Law". In this Country we just don't ignore Laws because they happen to be inconvenient. If that is what you like, then move to Moscow. While you are in your righteous indignation mode, how do you feel about Congressmen Doolittle taking money from Abramoff? How do you feel about him torpedoing the Homewood resort deal? How do you feel about him torpedoing an FDIC investigation into a Bank fraud deal in Texas. How do you feel about him voting against the recent renewal of the voting rights act? Just checking.
You're right about Jen foaming at the mouth. Welcome back.
I thought about posting on Jen's Blog, but thought "why?"
Anyway I have my hands full in the local paper.
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