Here a Nut, there a Nut, everywhere a Wingnut
Yes, old Sleepster happens to live in a County that is a hotbed of Wingnuttery. The local Wingnut Central Committee wields their power with an iron fist. Yes, Congressman Doolittle, did win this round vs Holmes, the upstart Auburn Mayor, but it took tons of money to "buy" the election. Dolittle garned 64% of the vote, quite impressive. Holmes got but 36% of the vote. The telling point is that those votes for Dolittle required fund raising to the tune of $975K+, and a supporting visit from Deadeye Dick for fundraising purposes. Yes Holmes only raised $84K. Let's
add this up, Holmes 36%->$84K, Doolittle 64%->$975K. Ok, my Math is off a bit. I keep forgetting to mention Mrs. Doolittle does skim off 15% of the funds for her commission as chairperson in charge of managing fundraisers, and paying the household expenses. That's a tidy $146K for the family coffers.
Still there is a crack in the armor. This County is trying to groom a replacement for Mr. D. As his act is wearing thin with his constituents. The Wingnut faithful were quite vocal this past election voicing their complaints in multiple forums. Mr. D's handpicked successor, Jerry Simmons, got a serious whuppin' at the polls. Supervisor Weygandt, a lifelong Republican, wasn't extreme, or Wingnuttery enough for the Republican Central committee. Plus he was just happy serving his County as a Supervisor, and had no designs to pursue a Congressman job. That's where Jerry Simmon's came in. He received the full endorsement from the Central Committee for the Supervisor job, even though Weygandt was the Republican incumbent. Weygandt has been a Republican longer than Simmon's has been alive. Clearly a slap in the face to this loyal party supporter and a long time public servant.
Simmons spent in excess of $500K for a Supervisor job! Probably a $100K more than Weygandt.
The voters have spoken, and Weygandt won by a landslide. The voters also killed a key bond measure, and also killed a measure that would have helped the salary scale for local hard working, Deputy Sheriffs. Simmons was closely tied to both of these related measures.
Our Buddy RC, aka, Sgt CRA, was Simmons campaign manager.
So what happened to Jerry Simmons? Well, he was just kicked off the Wingnut Central Committee, and publicly blamed by the Wingnut Committee President in the paper as being at fault for the Bond failure and the pay measure for the Sheriffs. His reward, is that he is done in this County, a has been at 32.
Come November, Doolittle has to take on Charlie Brown. Not Charles Brown, or Chuck Brown, but the one and only Charlie Brown, a retired, Lt. Colonel, who just happens to be a Democrat. Doolittle, a chickenhawk, and hasn't been within stones throw of a military boot camp in his life, now has to figure out how to demean and belittle a Military Veteran before the polls open on November 7th.
We'll also have to see how many more campaign dollars are raised, and end up in uh, Mrs. Doolittles pockets for services rendered.
I'm sure as well, that being a devout Mormon, he is tithing 15% of the family take (Wink, Wink).
Why does the wingnut party seem to be full of chickenhawks?
It's just what is in vogue right now. They endorse the sword, while pocketing greenbacks from their true masters.
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