Emerging Wingnut Election Platform
"We suck, but they (the Dem's) suck more". As in:
"We're butchering the management of the Iraq War, but the Dem's are wimps, and the voters know we're always happy to Bomb somebody".
"We're corrupt and on the take from Lobbyists, but you know some Dem's are being caught with their hands in the Cookie Jar too, so it just comes with the territory".
"We've been caught lying to the American public on repeated occasions, but the lies are only about unimportant things, and we wouldn't lie about anything REALLY important, besides Slick Willie lied about a BJ!!!!!?"
"We really Support our Troops more than the Dem's because we never miss an opportuntity to tell America so, at every photo/camera/media opportunity. The Dem's don't like our Troops because they want to pull out of Iraq."
"We know what America really wants better than the Dem's. We know you want low taxes, God, No Gay marriage, the Freedom to carry a Bazooka on the gun rack of your pick em up truck, and good cheap goods at Walmart. The Dem's? They just want to Tax you, Teach Gay is OK in the schools, and celebrate the 4th of July by Burning the American Flag! "
We know our foreign policy is about killing and creating hell on earth for non-white/jewish populations to enable unprecedented military and preferred contractor funding while giving our friends in business the opportunity to get at petroleum resources, and most of the Democrats are full supporters. We have faith that the Democrats will run pro-big business, pro-status quo candidates who they think are perceived to be as slightly less offensive as necessary to win while they try to bank on the fact that people hate us. The faces may change and investigations will be launched, sure, but the funamental essence of the policies will continue. And anyone who votes for a third party candidate is just laughable, because well, those people are ridiculous. Even the big corporate mainstream media and their smaller local subsidiaries will not cover them, so why should we doubt that they're nothing less than ridiculous?
You are on the right track but the Dem's are not Republicans in disguise.
Yes Corporations yield incredible power and influence, however Democrats foreign policy would be much different that the Neo-Conservative view.
In some parts of the world, I guess, like Europe. A stronger Democratic dollar, and restoration of faith in the dollar would have good effects too.
But in South America, the Caribbean, and the future pieces of what the Palestinians hope will be Palestine, it would just be a different, smoother face on the same policies. If anything, it would make right wing politicians more acceptable because the anti-imperial Bush card would be taken away, and would erode gains of the left.
In Asia, I don't know enough to comment on how a less confrontational stance would resolve. You could be right, and I hope you are.
It's hard for us to properly view the Crystal Ball. The U.S. has lost a lot of credibility over the last 6 years. It takes a long time in the international community to build up good will.
The Wealth being built around the world due to rising Oil prices will change world dynamics in ways we are only beginning to understand.
The true Wars that will be waged against the U.S. will be of an economic variety.
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