Thursday, May 18, 2006


Sacrifice - Forefeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one thought to have a greater value or claim.

Bonehead - A stupid person, a dunce.

These recent Tax Cuts are bonehead. Our Prez is the only Prez in the history of this Nation to repeatedly cut taxes during times of War. If we are truly fighting Terrorism, then as a Nation we have to make sacrifices for this.

So the Rich get Richer, and we are Taxing our Armed Forces with their lives. We are taxing our Children, Grand Children, and Great Grand Children with Debts we cannot pay.

We have had many great, and intelligent leaders in this Country. Is our Prez trying to tell us he is smarter than every War Prez before him? The truth is this Nation has been sold out for a Pot of Gold. Where is the OUTRAGE?


At 7:54 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...


Freedom isn't free, but rich people shouldn't have to pay for it.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

The President does spend money like a drunken sailor, but they should be cutting pork out of the budget as a good start.

Yes, our children will probably be paying for this for years to come. I have been disappointed in the spending habits of our President.

I also think that too much money was poured into the Hurricane Katrina funds. They are still paying for people to live off the government 8 months after the storm. The freeloafers are making a killing. I'm sure there are true charity cases, but a majority are people who just don't want to work. My son has been working over there and he says that the streets are still full of garbage. When are they going to pick up the trash?

At 3:11 AM, Blogger Odysseus said...

Those freeloafing troops in Iraq are making a killing too, in more ways than one. Those freeloafers over at the nsa are getting their kicks listening to private phone calls, reading private emails, and 'minding' independent thinking blogs by always presenting the neocon agenda in whatever spin suits the day. Our freeloafing prez is out riding his bicycle and reading the latest bestselling novels with a full freeloafing party of fun-loving 'security' personnel. And damn those lazy Iraqis who don't even pick up their own rubble and scrap metal off the streets, who just sit back and wait for US aid. "Help me, I'm poor!" The only useful thing they can seem to make time for is to bury their dead friends and family members.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

The fiscal irresponsibility is just killing me. We spend way too much money, and then we don't have the proper controls to monitor how efficient we spend the money.

We literally throw money at the problem.


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