Monday, April 17, 2006

What would you do?

I posted this query on II's site, and got no takers, so I'll post the scenario here.

Let's say you have a very close friend or close relative who commits a serious crime. You know them to be guilty of the crime, or you know there is very little doubt.

How far are you willing to go, to ensure they escape punishment?


At 5:54 PM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

What's the crime? Why was it committed?

At 6:05 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...

You establish the boundry's. It could be a rape, a murder, extorsion, child molestation.

The point being, do we establish a rationalized approach, or a principled approach.

Take em one at at time if you wish.

Murder - with intent
Murder - self defense



yada, yada, yada.

At 5:21 AM, Blogger Chris the Hippie said...

Interesting question. And a tough one.

Rape, child molestation - pretty much any sex crime - these are "repeat" offenses. The rapist, or the child molester often commits the crime over and over again until they're caught. In that case, if it's someone close to you that's committing the crimes, you need to think of future victims as well as what's already occurred.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger mrsleep said...

The reason I put this post up here, is it that we have to provide a "qualified" answer.

Our love for the individual we are trying to protect influences our judgement, or other motivations (less honorable) may come into play.

Let's take the Kennedy clan for a moment. There have been three major crimes that have come to the public eye relative to this family. Chappaquiddick, the murder of the young female neighbor in Conneticutt 20+ years ago, and the rape of a young woman in Florida. The question with all of these is what is the motivation from a family standpoint? To protect the individual, or to protect the name of the family, or something else?

Scott Peterson's family?

I would have to know with 110% confidence that a child of mine was innocent of a murder like that before I stepped in, and committed my life and assets to ensure they got the best possible legal defense.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Any sex crime is beyond the realm of protection. Murder - it depends on why. Drugs - what's the problem?

At 1:43 PM, Blogger mrsleep said...




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