Thursday, April 13, 2006

Quote to consider

"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them, or to them."

--Malcolm Forbes

Hmmm. What would a neocon do? Ignore them, or spend "their" (deficits) money without asking, or strip any rights from them if they were the wrong lifestyle gay, or exploit them if they were an illegal immigrant, or illegally spy on them, or call them left wing wacko's if they were Democrats, or force them to have a baby if they were single and pregnant, or leave them behind if they happened to be in an under performing school.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger RR said...

What a great quote...

And it's true. This administration panders to its base who are easily motivated by fear and nationalism: i.e. - the right-wing religious nut-jobs.

We need people to start talking about real values again: charity, humility, kindness, tolerance… Everything these people are NOT about.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Om said...

Our schools are a disgrace, and minimum wage is a joke! The US is on it's way to becoming a 3RD world country in a hurry! Fuck Bush!


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