Monday, April 03, 2006

The Origin of civilization, order?

II, , has posed a question about the influence of the English empire on the world. I'm going to use crude language to approach a related topic. It's easier for me to fall on common vernaculuar used today.

This made me think about the genesis of society or civilization itself. Mankind it seems, is driven by a thirst for knowledge, an intense desire to know why things happen the way they do. Man has never felt comfortable in the grand scheme of things that "shit happens" for no reason. Man is much more comfortable believing that "shit happens" for "a reason".. It could be "god's will".

The reason, always appears to be driven by a mysterious, and hidden spirit, god, power, or authority. Man has come to believe that they can influence the entity or entities, or at least believe they have to try to influence these entities, since no one every wants "shit just to happen". As a result we have elaborate rituals, sacrifices, prayer, etc. The rituals or human actions vary whether or not the higher power is benevolent, or not. The actions humans take as a result may be to get something to happen, or to not happen.

I bring this up, since mankind began to explore and understand what happened around them, a shared viewpoint began to emerge, via families, or bands or tribes of people.

"The meek shall inherit the earth" is a beautiful view, but the actions of those in power within belie this altruistic viewpoint.

The strong and powerfull always dominate the weak.

I'm venturing an idea. Man learned early on that it's easier to control, and exert influence on people by using the power of belief in higher athorities. The smart, learned to use this to their advantage. It is an age old game plan that has been repeated innumberable times.

Anyway, I am posturing that the "origin", the evolution of society is tied to man trying to explain or account for the unaccountable.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Intellectual Insurgent said...

Every culture on earth has its most elaborate rituals centered around death and the fear of death; hoping to prepare for the journey into the unknown.


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